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Age Grouping Changes 1980



- 6th November 1980

After much discussion on the existing age groupings for each section it was unanimously agreed that the following recommendations be submitted to the Executive Committee, through the Chief Commissioner, for their early consideration and approval. That because of the child’s development and behavioural pattern now obtaining, the following age groups be instituted to replace the existing age groups.

Recommended Existing

6-9 years Brownies                                                         7-11

9-12 years Guides                                                         10-14

13-15 years - to be named

15-18 years Rangers                                                     14-21

18-21 years Young Leaders


- 2nd November 1983

Warren Street – Woodbrook

Guiding Etiquette - Ms. Y. O’Neil brought up the question of Guide Etiquette and asked, what would happen if the President or Chief Commissioner were present at a function.  It was advised that the President, Chief Commissioner or any other Specialist Commissioner at any function should be properly introduced, asked to make presentations, make a few remarks and be treated cordially at all times.


- 5th December 1984

Girl Guide Headquarters - Warrants

Ms. E. Hordatt, Training Commissioner

“In keeping with the increasing demands for training and considering that the emphasis during the year was on improving standards ………….. Be it Resolved that the following plans be adopted for immediate implementation, to meet the growing needs and demands of the training department that Regional Training Divisions be established.

“Each Training Division is to set up a Training Committee consisting of Guide Trainers and Prospective Trainers with non-Guide resource Personnel and other representatives approved by the National Training Committee to work in the respective Training Regions”


- 6th June 1989

Girl Guide Headquarters

Mrs. Doreen Sampson had accepted responsibility for Training in the Caroni Area.

Projections for National Trainings: There are to be only three National trainings per year.  Regions will deal with other Trainings.

- 15th February 1989

Girl Guide Headquarters

Warrants - It was agreed in principle that a programme for residential trainings should be arranged as discussions revealed the necessity to have Guiders attend at least one National Residential Training a year in order to retain her warrant.  This decision arose since it was agreed that Commissioners must fulfill their obligations, which included Training of Guiders in their respective Districts/Divisions.


- 8th May 1991

Girl Guide Headquarters

Mrs. Doreen Sampson appointment as Training Commissioner was ratified by the Executive Committee.

- 3rd September 1991

Guide Headquarters

Mrs. Sampson suggested the motto for the Training Department as follows “we who must kindle the fire in others must first glow ourselves”.


- 12th September 1992

Guide Headquarters

Level ‘O’ & ‘I’ Trainings – It was agreed that Regional Trainers be asked to co-ordinate with Division Commissioners for these levels of Trainings when the opportunity will be taken to give Prospective Trainers time to train and be tested at theses sessions.

Level ‘II’ & ‘III’ – These trainings will be nominated by the National Training Committee/Team

Young Leaders Training – to be launched at a Residential Training for Friday 29 – Sunday 31st Jan 1993. This programme is for Leaders, interested persons and Guide Personnel from age 16 …………  The Programme will be opened over two weekends and one one-day session.

- 17th November, 1992

Guide Headquarters

“The Camping Commissioner has scheduled a Guiders’ residential Camp Training from April 3 – 5 1993 and a camp for girls planning to attend national camps from 15-22 July 1993.  Local Association Members will also share a camp experience at this time.

The Progamme for these Training camps is to include some of the following.

  • Overview of International Structure

  • Preparation for International Guests at home

  • Value of participants in International events

  • Preparations for International Camps abroad

  • Appreciating other people’s cultures, customs, religions, languages, etiquette, work attitude

  • Personnel preparation for Camp – gear equipment, accepting and respecting rules, authority etc

  • Standards/requirements for selection

  • Entertainment guests

  • Hospitality standards etc


- 27th November 1993

Rosa Reddock’s House

‘There was also pleasure and concern about the fact that Ermine Preddie-Thomas had now adopted the Victoria Training region where trainings are taking place in addition to her own Region of St. Patrick”

“Lois Herrera has accepted the position of Regional Trainer – Couva

Following persons recommended for Local Training Certificate Test

  • Linda Seupaul

  • Anne Marie Waldropt

  • Hazel Ann Hayes

  • Elizabeth Thomas

  • Vidyah Rambarran

Catherine Reid and Lois Herrera have been asked to focus on the Caribbean Link Certificate in 1994

Caribbean Friendship Pin has been adopted by Trinidad and Tobago Training Department to be worn on the Uniform.

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