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A_First Aid and Fire Emergencies

National Emergency Plan

First Aid and Fire Emergencies

In 1976, then President Mrs. Katherine Inglefield sought assistance from Mr. S.B. Dolsingh, Secretary General, Trinidad and Tobago Red Cross and Mr. T. Mayers, Chief Fire Officer for Training of Senior Guide personnel in First Aid and Fire Emergencies to have them reading and qualified to cope with the requirements of a National Emergency Plan which the Association had adopted.  The Plan – Emergency Plans and Procedures – was circulated to all Commissioners for action and as a result listings of Rangers and Senior Personnel were submitted to Police Stations in the areas where Rangers were available.

The Plan:

Should an emergency arise the Girl Guide personnel must BE PREPARED to render assistance whereever possible. This can only be accomplished in a calm and efficient manner if there is a set plan of action each person knowing exactly what is expected of them.  You are therefore asked to study the following plan, to be completely familiar with it, so should an emergency arise you will be an example in your community and a real credit to yourself and to the Guide Movement:

  1. Know where key points are in the area, Doctor, nurses, clinic Hospitals, Police station, two persons with transport

  2. All Guides by the age of 14/15 should have studied First Aid and simple rescue procedure, know about catching water for drinking, how to carry messages, guides should be instructed to be careful of fallen wires, they may be electrical, never touch.

  3. Organise a supply of emergency stores – canned foods, biscuits, candles, matches, tinned milk, containers for water, first aid kits, cutlass or axes, blankets, flash light.

  4. Emergency Centres

In each Division three buildings should be selected for use as possible Emergency Centres.  Guide lines for selection are:

Situation – preferable low structure, reasonably sheltered from wind, not near to rivers or places likely to flood.

All Guide Personnel in the Division must know where the Emergency Centres are. All Senior Guide Personnel and Rangers must be familiar with Emergency Procedures.  Headquarters must be notified so that a complete record be made of all Emergency Centres.

In case of an ALERT the following drill to go into action:-

You will hear on Radio/TV that an Alert is likely and that you should stand by – that means you should listen to Radio and T.V. Broadcasts at regular intervals.  You will be advised by radio that there is a Green Alert, Red Alert or Blue Alert and proceed as follows:

Stage 1                   All leaders should LISTEN to Radio Broadcasts

Green Alert   –    All Senior Guides should contact leader and organize to check on emergency supplies (where are they? Are they in order?)

Stage 2                  Personnel – stay IN DOORS – obey

Red Alert -   instructions of NERO Broadcast

Stage 3                   Personnel proceed to Emergency Headquarters in area

Blue Alert - immediate readiness to give assistance required

Leaders at Emergency Headquarters

  1. Should divide personnel into patrols of four who should be sent to various given areas or streets to check -:

  • what damage has been done

  • if anyone needs food, clothes, first aid,

  • 2 remain if necessary,

  • 2 return to Headquarters with written information

2.   Should have Coffee or Tea prepared

  • Help given to persons coming in –
    Address (injuries if any) noted in record book

It is suggested that the Red Cross be approached to run First Aid courses in each are for Guides.

Also, the Fires Services for an Instructor for Fire Drill – Fire Fighting.

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