engage. excite. empower.
Rosa Reddock started Guiding with 1st San Juan Guides in 1937 and moved to Rangers in 1940; started 1st San Juan Brownie Unit in 1946. Went to St. Vincent and served as Captain where she produced the first Queen’s Guide – in fact, two, one of whom became Island Commissioner.
Returned to Trinidad and started 6th Port of Spain Guide Unit in 1963 the members of which had the privilege not only to line the route for the visits of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie but to be helpers at the Garden Parties and Rallies held in honour of the distinguished guests. With the help of Evelyn Hordatt started the Guide Club at Mausica Teachers College in 1968.
Mrs. Reddock was a Caribbean Link Trainer and represented the Association at Trainings and Camps in Canada, the Caribbean and Locally. She served as Guide Commissioner and also in St. Patrick, Arima and other areas as Division Commissioner. Her home was the scene of many weekend training and meetings of sub committees of the Association and it was the place where Home Hospitality was always available for visiting Guide personnel at both leader and girl levels.
She held her Trainings Certificates to Link Trainer and her Camper’s License and received many awards for her contribution to Girl Guiding within the Caribbean and especially in Trinidad and
Phyllis Brown also known as Penguin, dedicated most of her life to the Girl Guide Movement. She started as a Guide in 3rd San Fernando unit in 1939 and she took Girl Guiding with her wherever she went resulting in service as a Leader to the following units:
3rd San Fernando Guides 6th San Fernando – St. Gabriel’s 18th Port of Spain Guides
23rd Port of Guides St. Joseph’s Convent- San Fernando 25th Port of Spain Guides
2nd Columbus Guides 3rd Tunapuna Guides 6th Arima Guides
Penguin served as:
District Commissioner in Princes Town, San Fernando, Pointe-a-Pierre, Tunapuna, Port of Spain.
Area Commissioner South
Camp Commissioner
Training Commissioner
Member of the Caribbean Link Training Committee
Member of the Our Cabana World Centre Sub Committee
Teller at World Conference
She held:
Link Training Certificate
U.K. Training Certificate
Camper’s License
Travelled extensively throughout the Caribbean, U.K., USA, Australia and earned the Sandbox Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.
She was known for her discipline, integrity, and loyalty and stressed “good work or none”.
Marilyn Barker Duncan started Guiding as a Ranger with 1st San Fernando Sea Rangers. In 1969 she started the 2nd San Fernando Sea Rangers. In 1974 she became Captain of 2nd San Fernando Rangers Unit which she still serves.
Her portfolio includes:
Division Commissioner Victoria Central 1988
Ranger Commissioner 1993
District Commissioner Victoria Central - District II 2004
Camp Commissioner 2004
Manager Dorothy Shurland Headquarters
She earned her Camper’s License in 1981 and has represented the Association at many Local camps, International Camps and Conferences in U.K., U.S.A., Mexico, Sweden, Canada, Costa Rica and within the Caribbean.
She holds the Sandbox Silver (1980) and Samman Gold (2003) Award
Sr. Emeria Grace was Brownie Guider in 1946 and worked in San Fernando attached to the St. Joseph’s Convent during the period 1946 – 1949. She moved onto St. Lucia in 1956 – 1971 and continued her Guiding there serving as District Commissioner 1966 – 1969 and Deputy Island Commissioner 1969 – 1971.
She returned to Tobago and began to work with Guides there and gave yeoman service to the setting up of the International Camp held there.
In Trinidad, Sr. Emeria's skills were used in the area of Training as well as assisting with Units from time to time.